Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gigs and weather

Well the show that Noah and I did at the airport went very well.  The weather held nicely and people seemed to enjoy it.  I have to say, though, that my favorite part about playing at the airport was the airport itself.  I have been in the new Indianapolis International Airport several times and each time I am fascinated with the same section. Those of you who have been in the airport ( and know me well :) ) are going to know exactly what part I am talking about, for those of you who haven't been are going to laugh. :)  My favorite part, is the part with the moving sidewalks and the light up circles that play music on the ceiling!!  I could be happy with just riding up and down the sidewalks all day and looking up at the circles.  I know, I know, it doesn't take much to entertain me, but they really are neat. ( People who know me will testify that I can, at times, be a little........ditsy.)  I think Noah got a kick out of seeing me almost fall flat on my face when the sidewalk ended because I was still looking up.........obviously I didn't pay attention to the little animated voice that says, "Please watch your step. The moving sidewalk is about to end." Oh, well I will learn with time. :)
    The next item of business I am going to address is the show we are going to have tonight.......or are hoping to have tonight! So far the weather has not been very nice to us.  We are really looking forward to playing at Chapel Rock tonight for their ladies Christmas tea........that is if the weather holds.  Let me tell you I am NOT a cold weather person.  People always ask me why, so i will tell you!! On Monday it took me 2 and a half HOURS to get to school and I live 15mins. away!!! That, ladies and gentlemen is why I don't like ice and snow.  It is very pretty to look at ,I know, but I wish it would come for a week every year and leave after that. :)  Well, I need to go study for a Spanish final......not everything is fun and games here. Keep checking in for updates on Christmas activities and New Years plans! Have a great freezing cold day! :)

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